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De Rock Foundation is altijd enthousiast over de samenwerking met andere organisaties, waardoor ze meer mensen over de hele wereld kunnen bereiken. Daarom kunnen individuen, wanneer ze samenwerken, het vermogen van kracht dupliceren en veel meer gedaan krijgen. Ze kunnen ook de waarde plukken van het samen samenwerken, waardoor harmonie in plaats van wanorde is ontstaan.
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As Christians, we must be capable of taking care of people who are in need. This we can accomplish by giving them substance, feeding them, clothing them and supporting them.”
Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.
If we don’t educate ourselves on the things that happen around us, we shall never be capable of doing more for the community, because of lack of knowledge.
The Human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Everywhere in life, the true question is not what we gain, but what we do.”
The right words can make a difference when talking to someone living on the streets. Always remember that we all need love and kindness.
Helping one person might not change te world, but it could change the world for one person and that person can change the world of another person and so goes on.
People do not notice whether it is winter or summer when they are happy.
Helping others decreases your stress levels and improves your mood. When you help others, it increases the endorphin levels in your body which makes you feel happy from the inside.